30-Day Processing Standards 430-05-20-50-20

(Revised 07/01/18 ML3528)

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A worker must provide an eligible household an opportunity to participate as soon as possible, but not later than 30 calendar days after the application was filed. Households initially applying that are not entitled to expedited service that have an EBT card and have provided all mandatory verification(s), must be provided benefits if eligible, prior to the 30th day.


Households initially applying that are not entitled to expedited service that do not have an EBT card must receive the notice of eligibility and the F012 - EBT Card Issuance Notice prior to the 27th day to ensure that the household has an opportunity to participate by the 30th day.


An application is filed the day the county receives it. The application must contain the applicant's name, address and on the last page of the application signature of a responsible member of the household or the household’s authorized representative.



An application is received on May 11 and the interview completed on May 20. Verifications are requested and a pending notice is sent informing the household they have until June 10 to provide the verifications. The 30-day count starts May 12.

If the household provides the verifications prior to June 10, benefits must be processed by June 9 so benefits are available to the household by the 30th day (June 10).

If the household provides the verifications on June 10, benefits must be processed on June 10. The casefile must contain documentation stating the reason benefits were not available to the client until the 31st day.